Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Terrific, Thoughful Essay On Identity Politics As Evident In Exchange Between Sam Harris And Ezra Klein




Excellent piece from a thoughtful Canadian writer—with whom I happen to agree—whom I’ve only most recently come across.

The core idea here is that bad identity politics—it’s not all necessarily bad, such as racially or ethnically composed groups fighting for their equal rights—at its core involves the self refuting premise that individuals can’t get separate themselves from their “tribe,” that their thoughts, views and attitudes are essentially conditioned by their ineradicably etched in group belonging, and that others, deludedly professing their own non tribalism, can never understand those tribally different others.  

My own thought is that it’s a least paradoxical, if not contradictory, to claim that those of us, including me, who hold that ideas based evidence and logic—at its most pure modelled by science—allow us to transcend the impositions on who we are by birth, race, class and gender, are by tribal in virtue of what we so hold.

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