Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Right Wing Media's Modus Operandi

1. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/08/23/the-white-house-war-on-jobs/

2. Michelle Malkin and her right wing ilk have the same modus operandi. They cherrypick certain stories or even certain aspects of certain stories or certain details buried in a hay stack of details. Then, on the basis of their cherry picking--which reduces itself to sound bites and slogans—they draw overarching, inflammatory conclusions like "The White House War on Jobs". Then they throw back at their critics their cherry pickings as the evidence for their conclusions. Because they take things out of context or don't give anyone the benefit of the whole, counter arguing them requires nuanced, detailed and well informed responses, which is exactly what sound bite, shrill media have no time for. I suppose it's great propaganda and demagoguery, but it's hell on intellectual honesty and civil, fair and good faith discourse. And being that, it's invidious and threatening to democracy, the oxygen for which is that very discourse.

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